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PART15Combination Logic Circuit

Experiment 2 :Encoder


Encoder is the digital function that executes the inverse operation of decoder. The encoder has inputs of 2n and under and n outputs. Fig.15-4 is an example of the encoder. The octal-binary encoder needs 8 inputs because 8 digits need separate inputs, and 3 outputs to calculate corresponding binary number That is, the encoder is an encoding device. In the figure, the encoder is composed of OR gates whose inputs are determined from the truth table in fig.15-5. The output z becomes “1” when the input octal digit is odd number. The output y becomes “1” when the input octal digit is 2, 3, 6, 7. And the output x becomes “1” when the input octal digit is 4, 5, 6, 7. D0 is not connected to any OR gates, and this is because the binary output should all become “0” in this case. However, when all inputs are “0”, the outputs all become “0”. This contradiction is solved by providing one additional output in order to indicate that all inputs are not “0”.

The encoder in fig.15-3 is supposed as only one input can become “1” in case of random situation. Otherwise, the circuit is meaningless. The circuit has 8 inputs. Therefore, 28=256 input combinations are possible but only 8 among them have meanings.

The encoders determine the input priority and decode the input line that has the highest priority. Let’s say that in fig.15-4, the input that has higher subscript has higher priority than that has lower subscript. If D2 and D5 become “1” at the same time, the output will become [101] since D5 has higher priority than D2.

Experiment Process

1. The circuit on the left of Circuit-2 of M-15 means 4 to 2 encoder. Use the switch to change the input 0, 1, 2, 3 as in table 15-3 and measure the output A, B and record as 1 and 0 in the relevant column. (Check out the lighting of LED.)

2. The circuit on the right of Circuit-2 of M-15 means 10 to 4 encoder. As in table 15-4, measure the output A, B, C, D according to the input 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and record the result in the relevant column. In fig.15-4, X means Don’t Care. Note that the inverter is attached to the output terminal.


Experiment 15-2.1 Encoder Circuit Experiment (Circuit-2 of M15)

1.Power connection is internally connected.
  1. <4 to 2 Encoder Circuit>
    1 The circuit on the left of Circuit21 of M-15 means 4 to 2 encoder. Use the switch S0, S1, S2, S3 to change the input 0,1,2,3 as in table 15-3 and record the result of output A, B. (LED ON is “1”, OFF is “0”.)
  2. <10 to 4 Encoder Circuit>
    2 The circuit on the right of Circuit-2 of M-15 means 10 to 4 encoder. As in table 15-4, measure the output A, B, C, D according to the input 1(S4), 2(S5), 3(S6), 4(S7), 5(S8), 6(S9), 7(S10), 8(S11), 9(S12) and record the result in the relevant column. In fig.15-4, X means Don’t Care. Note that the inverter is attached to the output terminal.

Experiment Result Report

1. Experiment Result Table

Table 15-3

1000 00
0100 01
0010 10
0001 11

Table 15-4

S4S5 S6S7 S8S9S10 S11S12 DC BA
123 456 789
11111 1111 00 00
01111 1111 00 01
x0111 1111 00 10
xx011 1111 00 11
xxx01 1111 01 00
xxxx0 1111 01 01
xxxxx 0111 01 10
xxxxx x011 01 11
xxxxx xx01 10 00
xxxxx xxx0 10 01
2. Review and Explanation
1) With the result of table 15-3, induce the formula for each output and draw a timing chart.

section paper

2) With the result of table 15-4, induce the formula for each output and draw a timing chart.

section paper

3. Discuss the experiment result.